What is Social SEO and why does your brand need it?

09 August 2021
Veruska Ortega
What is Social SEO and why does your brand need it?

Social SEO is the union of SEO and social media strategies that involve the integration of optimisation and outreach skills. This technique leads companies to have higher visibility in search engines while becoming better known among customers.

Seen from a broader perspective, Social SEO is responsible for coordinating the most important online marketing channels of today, such as content marketing, search engine optimisation, social media and email marketing.


The main objective of Social SEO is to make an impact based on content found on a well-optimised website and then disseminate it through social networks.

This results not only in good positioning but also in high levels of reach, relevance and influence that make the brand more well-known, attractive and trustworthy.


How can social networks help positioning?

By creating quality content that is optimised for users to consume and interact with, we will achieve virality. This dissemination is essential to attract the attention of users and, the more users enter the links communicated on social networks, the more Google and other SERPs will appreciate the redirection of the content found within the site or blog, to order the position of the search results.

So, although social media as such does not generate rankings, it does help as a boost to achieve other goals that relate to SEO strategies.


Why do Social SEO?

Doing Social SEO is a very valuable strategy that has the following advantages:

1.  Increases online visibility.

2.  Generates audience engagement.

3.  Increased chances of dissemination of content.

4.  Provides greater authority to the website or blog.

5.  Boosts the volume of quality traffic.

6.  Improves relevance indicators.


Being present on the web is not enough, as the biggest channel of diffusion on the internet are social networks. A good Social SEO strategy will ensure the growth and establishment of your brand in the market.